Thursday 29 October 2015

Advanced Parsha - Vayeira

Weekly Parsha Emails   15 Cheshvan 5776 / October 28, 2015 Vayeira  (Genesis 18-22)   Advanced ParshaCompendium, PDF     Accepting Rebukeby Rabbi Yehoshua Berman The people of Sodom where wicked to the core. One of the many expressions of their evil lifestyle was the way they treated...   Read Article  Print Version   New! [VIDEO] The Power of Abraham's Influenceby Rabbi David Fohrman Profound insights into the weekly parsha.   View Video   Torah Teasers Parshat Vayeiraby Moshe Erlbaum Challenging questions to test your expertise in the weekly parsha.   Read Article  Print Version   New! To Bless the Space Between Usby Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks There is a mystery at the heart of the biblical story of Abraham, and it has immense implications for our understanding of...   Read Article  Print Version   Praying For Othersby Rabbi Ozer Alport Rashi writes that the section recounting Sarah's conception of Yitzhak (Genesis 21:1) is juxtaposed to Avraham's prayers...   Read Article  Print Version   Yishmael: The Wrong Type of Chesedby Rabbi Yehonasan Gefen A significant character in these Torah Portions is Ishmael, Abraham's eldest son. Understanding his personality can give us...   Read Article  Print Version   [VIDEO] Abraham's Feastby Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier An engaging Torah lecture dealing with real life issues.   View Video   Why Do the Angels Eat?by Rabbi Zvi Belovski The Torah portion opens with Avraham recovering from his bris milah. He was sitting at the entrance to his tent, hoping to...   Read Article  Print Version   Affronts to confrontsby Rabbi Boruch Leff SARAH'S DISBELIEF AND GOD'S CRITICISM How can we put Sarah and disbelief in the same sentence? Sarah - the initial...   Read Article  Print Version   The Art of Giving: To Be or Not To Be the Jewish Wayby Rabbi Noson Weisz On the third day following his circumcision at age 99, God pays Abraham a sickbed visit. The Talmud (Sotah, 14a) points to...   Read Article  Print Version   New! The Chief Rabbi Of Sodomby Rabbi Ari Kahn When Terach began his trek from his hometown, his destination was the Land of Canaan. The Torah never explains this...   Read Article  Print Version   Value of a Friend's Adviceby Rabbi Zev Leff "And God appeared to him in the plains of Mamre." (Genesis 18:1) The Midrash relates that when God commanded...   Read Article  Print Version   After These Eventsby Dr. Avigdor Bonchek This week's parsha records several dramatic events: the birth of Isaac; Abraham's unsuccessful plea to save the evil...   Read Article  Print Version   Intended Deedsby Rabbi Abba Wagensberg Greetings from the holy city of Jerusalem! Parshat Vayeira is an opportunity to learn from the extraordinary actions of...   Read Article  Print Version Click here for more articles on the Weekly Torah Portion.   Featured at       The Top 17 Pieces of Marital Advice   Har Nof Rabbi Dies of Wounds   The Rabid Anti-Semite who became a Proud Jew     Follow us on Facebook What do you think of this email? Help us make these personalized newsletters — and our site — better. Send us your questions and comments to Forward this email to a friend. Need to change your subscription? • This email was sent to: • You are currently subscribed to list "Advanced Parsha List." • To unsubscribe from this mailing list, click here. • To modify your email account, change your e-mail address, or unsubscribe from all lists click here. is the most complete online Jewish resource. We hope you enjoy receiving this personalized newsletter.Aish.comOne Western Wall Plaza PO Box 14149 Jerusalem 91141 Israel Tel: 972-2-628-5666 Fax: 972-2-627-3172© 2015 Powered by MadMimi ® Unsubscribe instantly from ALL emails by clicking here. from Gmail via IFTTT from Blogger via Dont Im Meesh

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