Thursday 29 October 2015

Killing Baby Hitler; Harry Potter & Israel; Letter to JK Rowling

What's New at! October 29 - 31 2015 / 16 Cheshvan 5776 Killing Baby Hitler: A Jewish Response by Rabbi Benjamin Blech One must differentiate between potential and actual evil. Read Article [Video] Harry Potter and the Threats to Israel by Rachel Lester A brilliant depiction of the various threats facing Israel. View Video An Open Letter to JK Rowling by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller Thank you for not caving into pressure to boycott Israel. Read Article 10 Strategies to Defeat Stress and Stay Positive by Harry Edelson Tools for coping with the daily stresses of life. Read Article No Politics or Religion by Emuna Braverman My husband doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut and has alienated friends and family. Read Article [Video] Ever Thought about Giving a Kidney? by Rabbi Yaakov Salomon A personal plea. View Video Be a Giver by Rabbi Shraga Simmons Exploring Abraham’s spiritual greatness. Read Article Editor's Pick: [Video] Hear O Israel by Charlie Harary Understanding the wisdom of Judaism's most important prayer. An Film View Video NEW @! Daily Features Today's Quote Today's Photo Today's Recipe   Featured at       The Top 17 Pieces of Marital Advice   Har Nof Rabbi Dies of Wounds   Survivor of the Voyage of the Damned     Follow us on Facebook What do you think of this email? Help us make these personalized newsletters — and our site — better. Send us your questions and comments to Forward this email to a friend. Need to change your subscription? • This email was sent to: • You are currently subscribed to list "Aish Weekly Update." • To unsubscribe from this list only, click here. • To modify your email account, change your e-mail address, or unsubscribe from all lists click here. • If you don't have Web access and you'd like to unsubscribe, send an e-mail to: is the most complete online Jewish resource. We hope you enjoy receiving this personalized newsletter.Aish.comOne Western Wall Plaza PO Box 14149 Jerusalem 91141 Israel Tel: 972-2-628-5666 Fax: 972-2-627-3172© 2015 Powered by MadMimi ® Unsubscribe instantly from ALL emails by clicking here. from Gmail via IFTTT from Blogger via Dont Im Meesh

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