Wednesday 28 October 2015 Parsha - Vayeira

Weekly Parsha Emails   15 Cheshvan 5776 / October 28, 2015 Vayeira  (Genesis 18-22)   Basic ParshaCompendium, PDF   New! [VIDEO] Don't Stop Believingby Harry Rothenberg A thought-provoking weekly video blog on the parsha.   View Video   Possession Obsessionby Rabbi Eli Scheller And Hashem said, "Because the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah has become great, and because their sin has been very...   Read Article  Print Version   [VIDEO] Let Them Hear it, Tooby Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich Parenting lessons from the weekly parsha.   View Video   Five Ways to Look Deeperby Rabbi Max Weiman In Genesis 18:1, God is speaking to Abraham. Yet when three strangers walk by, Abraham leaves God's presence to offer them...   Read Article  Print Version   Seeing the Good in Peopleby Nesanel Yoel Safran It's easy to see what's good about some people. Their virtues just seem to shine. But sometimes it's not so easy, and it...   Read Article  Print Version   The Pleasure of Givingby Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt You are traveling in the desert with two friends. It's a boiling hot day. You see some tents in the distance, seemingly a...   Read Article  Print Version   A Cinch by the Inchby Adam Lieberman God told Abraham that He wanted to destroy all of the inhabitants in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah because the people had...   Read Article  Print Version   The Mistaken Laughby Rabbi Shraga Simmons Parshat Vayeira tells about an angel - disguised as an itinerant traveler - coming to Abraham and Sarah to inform them that...   Read Article  Print Version   Be a Giverby Rabbi Shraga Simmons Abraham is on a mission to teach the world about God. Yet if God is an infinite force who encompasses everything and lacks...   Read Article  Print Version   [AUDIO] Receiving a Blessingby Rabbi Shraga Simmons Rabbi Shraga Simmons shares an inspiring insight from the weekly Torah portion. Your life can change in just one...   Read Article  Print Version   Actualizing potential through testsby Rabbi Yehuda Appel The Russian Czar Nicholas I, in his efforts to destroy Jewish life, demanded that each Jewish community provide soldiers...   Read Article  Print Version   Abraham passes 10 tough testsby Rabbi Avi Geller Over the mountains was a little cloud, unlike any cloud he had ever seen. "This must be the spot," Abraham proclaimed to...   Read Article  Print Version   Real Peaceby Rabbi Stephen Baars I forget the number, but studies show average American teenagers have seen hundreds of murders on TV. As bad as this...   Read Article  Print Version   New! Vayera 5776by Rabbi Kalman Packouz Our Sages teach us that the actions of our forefathers Abraham (Avraham), Isaac (Yitzchak) and Jacob (Ya'akov) are signs for...   Read Article  Print Version Click here for more articles on the Weekly Torah Portion.   Featured at       The Top 17 Pieces of Marital Advice   Har Nof Rabbi Dies of Wounds   The Rabid Anti-Semite who became a Proud Jew     Follow us on Facebook What do you think of this email? Help us make these personalized newsletters — and our site — better. Send us your questions and comments to Forward this email to a friend. Need to change your subscription? • This email was sent to: • You are currently subscribed to list "Basic Parsha List." • To unsubscribe from this mailing list, click here. • To modify your email account, change your e-mail address, or unsubscribe from all lists click here. is the most complete online Jewish resource. We hope you enjoy receiving this personalized newsletter.Aish.comOne Western Wall Plaza PO Box 14149 Jerusalem 91141 Israel Tel: 972-2-628-5666 Fax: 972-2-627-3172© 2015 Powered by MadMimi ® Unsubscribe instantly from ALL emails by clicking here.

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