Tuesday 27 October 2015

HaShoneh Halachos for Tues, Oct 27, 2015

110. Standing for Roshei Yeshiva 110. Standing for Roshei YeshivaHaShoneh Halachos for Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Talmud Torah 6:6 When seeing a Torah scholar, one need not stand until he reaches within four cubits (about six feet). One may sit once the scholar has passed. If one sees the av beis din (the second-highest-ranking member of the Sanhedrin), he must stand as soon as he sees him, no matter how far away it is; one may not sit until the av beis din has passed him by four cubits. If one sees the nasi (the highest-ranking member of the Sanhedrin), one must stand for him as soon as he sees him, no matter how far away it is; one may not sit until the nasi reaches his place or passes beyond one’s ability to see. If the nasi so wishes, he may waive this honor. When the nasi enters, everyone should stand up for him; they may not be seated until he instructs them to do so. When the av beis din enters, two rows are opened for him; the people on either side stand until the av beis din sits in his place. Others remain seated. Talmud Torah 6:7 When a scholar enters and passes within four cubits (about six feet) of a person, that person stands up for him. One person stands and the next one sits until the scholar sits in his place. The sons of the scholars and the students of the scholars, if their services are required by the people, may act assertively if necessary to reach their places. It is not praiseworthy for scholars to enter the study hall last. If one must leave to attend to some needs, he may return to his place. The children of the scholars, if they are mature enough to pay attention, should face their fathers. If they are not mature enough to pay attention, they should face the people. By Rabbi Jack AbramowitzProvided for informational purposes only. Please contact your rabbi for guidance in matters of practical application.View HaShoneh Halachos 2: Mishneh Torah Index » “Anyone who studies Jewish laws every day can rest assured that he has earned a place in the Next World...”(Talmud Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a) “One who learns in order to teach will be given the ability to learn and to teach but one who learns in order to perform will be given the ability to learn, to teach, to observe and to perform.”(Avos 4:5)   OU.ORG  |  NCSY  |  NJCD  |  OU Kosher   |  JLIC  |  Jewish Action  |  Advocacy  |  OU Job BoardShabbat Shalom  |  OU Press  |  OU Torah  |  OU Israel  |  Synagogue Services   Share this on  Facebook   |   Forward to a friend   |   Unsubscribe  

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