Wednesday 28 October 2015

HaShoneh Halachos for Wed, Oct 28, 2015

111. Standing for the Elderly 111. Standing for the ElderlyHaShoneh Halachos for Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Talmud Torah 6:8 If a student is constantly in his teacher’s presence, he may only stand up for him once in the morning and once in the evening. This is so that the honor he shows his teacher does not exceed the honor he shows God (since we recite the Shema twice day, morning and evening). Talmud Torah 6:9 We must stand before a person of advanced age even if he is not a scholar. Even a scholar who is young must stand before a person of advanced age. He need not stand all the way up, must only extend some token of respect. Even a non-Jew of advanced years should be addressed with respect and given a hand to help support him, as per Leviticus 19:32, “Stand up before an elderly person.” This includes everyone of advanced age. By Rabbi Jack AbramowitzProvided for informational purposes only. Please contact your rabbi for guidance in matters of practical application.View HaShoneh Halachos 2: Mishneh Torah Index » “Anyone who studies Jewish laws every day can rest assured that he has earned a place in the Next World...”(Talmud Megilla 28b, Niddah 73a) “One who learns in order to teach will be given the ability to learn and to teach but one who learns in order to perform will be given the ability to learn, to teach, to observe and to perform.”(Avos 4:5)   OU.ORG  |  NCSY  |  NJCD  |  OU Kosher   |  JLIC  |  Jewish Action  |  Advocacy  |  OU Job BoardShabbat Shalom  |  OU Press  |  OU Torah  |  OU Israel  |  Synagogue Services   Share this on  Facebook   |   Forward to a friend   |   Unsubscribe   from Gmail via IFTTT from Blogger via Dont Im Meesh

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