Monday 12 October 2015

The Best of Breslev Israel 29 Tishrei 5776 / Monday, October 12, 2015 | Torah Reading: Noach

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The True Yardstick
For a person to truly atone and correct himself, he must know who he is and what his current spiritual level is. Without a wife, he can't possibly know this...
The Oyster Syndrome
How does such a gorgeous, valuable pearl emerge from filth and waste? From the lowest depths of muck and mire comes a symbol of beauty and wealth that women cherish...
A Clean Brain
When we are honest with ourselves, we all are harboring this huge enemy in our hearts which is waiting in an ambush at every moment to rob us of our focus on Hashem...
Spirituality and Faith
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By Dr. Zev Ballen
By David Perlow
By Racheli Reckles
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By Racheli Reckles
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By Howard Morton
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By Dr. Zev Ballen
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Rabbi Nissan Dovid Kivak
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By David Perlow
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Dovber HaLevi
Torah Portion
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Breslev Israel staff
By Rabbi David Schallheim
Holidays and Fast Days
By Rabbi Lazer Brody
By Rabbi Shalom Arush
By Rebbe Nachman of Breslev
By Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
By Breslev Israel staff
By Breslev Israel staff
By Breslev Israel staff
By Breslev Israel staff
Products of the Day

Chassidic Pearls

Our Price: USD $ 13.00

List Price: USD $ 19.60


Rebbe Nachman and the Knights of the Rosh Hashanah Table

Our Price: USD $ 11.80

List Price: USD $ 17.70


The Garden of Purity - For Men Only

Our Price: USD $ 13.10

List Price: USD $ 17.00


Chanukah Menorah

Our Price: USD $ 26.00

List Price: USD $ 36.50


Duties of the Heart-Chovos ha-Levavos: Pocket Edition

Our Price: USD $ 25.80

List Price: USD $ 35.20


Alma Dati

Our Price: USD $ 7.90

List Price: USD $ 10.50

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Breslev Israel Staff

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