Sunday 11 October 2015

The things that matter

This weekend, let’s give thanks for all we’ve shared together. Phillip -- As we gather with our families and friends this weekend, it’s a chance to reflect on the things that really matter. Spending time together. Sharing our stories. Setting aside our differences and finding new ways to appreciate each other. These are the things that matter – not just at Thanksgiving, but every day. As a husband and a dad, the happiness of my own family – Sophie, Xavier, Ella-Grace, and Hadrien – is never far from my thoughts. But this year, after ten busy weeks on the road, meeting with you in communities from St. John’s to Iqaluit to Surrey, I can say that your worries are always with me, too. I’ve worried about families that find it hard to pay their bills every month. About students graduating with massive debt, and seniors unsure if they’ll be able to retire in dignity. Across this country, I’ve heard so many stories of people desperate for real change. In all of our conversations, one thing has become very clear: we can’t afford another ten years like the last ten years. A decade in which the middle class struggled, and those hoping to join it fell further and further behind. At the same time, I’ve seen so much hope, everywhere I’ve travelled. Those who say Canadians don’t care about our government, or that they’re cynical about politics, couldn’t be more wrong. This election, I’m seeing people like you take a stand for the things you believe in. A better, more secure future for you and your kids. The chance to trust in government again, and know that that respect goes both ways. I’ve seen you come together to reject the politics of fear and the promoters of hate. You know that has no place here. Not in Canada. For ten long years, we have watched – and fought – as our country’s vision became smaller, less generous, and less familiar. We’ve seen other political parties focus so much on their own interests that they’ve forgotten about yours. It’s time for that to change. One week from now, we will have the opportunity to bring real change to Canada. We can invest in our communities again, to get our cities moving and strengthen our economy. We can do for future generations what our parents and grandparents did for us. And our children will thank us for it. Most of all, we can take back this country from those who have taken it for granted for far too long, and give it back to Canadians. It’s not too late to build a better country – one we can all be proud of, and be profoundly grateful to call our home. We’re Canadian. We know that better is always possible. To those who have welcomed me into their homes and communities over the past 10 weeks: thank you. I hope we have the chance to meet again soon. This weekend, let’s give thanks for all we’ve shared together. May we never take our blessings for granted nor lose sight of how much better we can be. Thank you, P.S. And Phillip, with just one week left to Election Day, I’m asking you to stand with Canadians from every corner of our country who support real change, and have said -- Yes, I am voting Liberal. This email was sent to: Préférences linguistiques | Version française Update profile | Unsubscribe Email updates like this one are the most effective way for us to keep in touch. To contact the Liberal Party of Canada, please reply to this email. Our mailing address: 350 Albert Street, Suite 920 Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6M8, CA. Authorized by the The Federal Liberal Agency of Canada, registered agent for the Liberal Party of Canada. The Liberal Party of Canada has chosen oneID to make it easier and more secure to donate. oneID is a digital identity provider that securely stores your information, makes it available when you choose, and oneID cannot see or access your information. You can use the information in your oneID to donate and to manage usernames and passwords across all your devices. Go here to manage your information in oneID. Go here to learn more about oneID and its security. Go here to delete your oneID account.If you need more information about oneID, want to manage or delete your oneID account, please call 1-888-542-3725 for assistance. We respect your right to privacy - go here to view our policy. 20151010JT - Thanksgiving - SC-TX - EN  

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